Ottawa County Bar Association
The objectives of the Bar Association are to maintain the honor and dignity of the profession of law, to cultivate social interaction and acquaintance among the members of the bar and to increase their usefulness in aiding the administration of justice and in promoting legal reform.
The Ottawa County Bar Association meets on the second Monday of each month at Ala Carte Cafe, 221 Madison St., Port Clinton, OH 43452, at noon.
UPCOMING CLE: Court Update – May 13, 2024 following the regular Bar meeting. Registration coming soon. For more information contact

Christopher Enoch

Kevin Peters

Secretary Treasurer
Dina Shenker
Bar Examination and Admission:
Judy Flood, Blake Skilliter
Indigent Fee Schedule:
Sarah Nation, Terry Rudes
Municipal Court Rules:
Michael Bassett, Kevin Peters
Judy Flood, Sarah Nation, Dina Shenker
OCBA members of the Erie Huron Ottawa Counties Joint Legal Grievance & Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee:
Christopher Enoch, Rich Gillum, Daivia Kasper, Angela LaForce, Alan McKean
CLE Committee: